Hematology gallery
Compiled by: Willem Schaftenaar and Fieke Molenaar
On this page we give examples of normal blood cells stained with Wright-Giemsa. An excellent description of normal and abnormal white blood cells in elephants was published by Stasi et al in 2017. Click here to read that article.
Morphology of blood cells, stained with Wright-Giemsa

Wright-Giemsa stained blood smear of a healthy adult Asian elephant displaying normal erythrocytes, 1 heterophil, 1 bi-lobed monocyte and several thrombocytes (Courtesy: Rotterdam Zoo).

Wright-Giemsa stained blood smear of a healthy adult Asian elephant displaying normal erythrocytes, 1 bi-lobed monocyte, 1 lymphocyte and several thrombocytes (Courtesy: Rotterdam Zoo).
The images below were published in the Proceedings of the Zoo and Wildlife Health Conference 2020, 23-31: Molenaar F.M. 2020. Developing haematology skills to enable decision making in suspected cases of Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus hemorrhagic disease.

Heterophil (H), single lobed and bi-lobed monocytes (M), lymphocyte (L). The arrows pont at platelets (Courtesy: Fieke Molenaar).

Immature heterophils: bands (Courtesy: Fieke Molenaar).

Eosinophil (Courtesy: Fieke Molenaar).

Lymphocyte (Courtesy: Fieke Molenaar).

Immature lymphocyte (Courtesy: Fieke Molenaar).

Monocyte (Courtesy: Fieke Molenaar).

Monocytes (Courtesy: Fieke Molenaar).

Immature monocytes (Courtesy: Fieke Molenaar).

Lymphocyte and 2 monocytes (Courtesy: Fieke Molenaar).

Platelets (arrows) (Courtesy: Fieke Molenaar).

Erythrocytes: "codocytes" (target cells with a bulls-eye appearance) occur naturally in elephants (Courtesy: Fieke Molenaar).

Fragments of erythrocytes (schistocytes) as can be seen in elephants suffering of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (e.g. EEHV-HD) (Courtesy: Fieke Molenaar).